April 28, 2018

I climbed into the second row of seats in the shuttle van to take the trip to the airport in Los Angeles. There was a young man and an older woman in the first row. They had been picked up at a previous location and were deep in conversation. I closed my eyes to rest them for the trip but my ears were still awake.

It turns out the woman was retired, but not enjoying her life at this time. She had been a highly paid professional who had travelled the world for decades and was passionate about what she had done. Her passion was currently being snuffed out. The young man was heading out on a business trip and was not excited about his journey. He did not like to travel.

Both of these individuals had a common interest in the fields they worked in. For the hour and twenty minute ride to the airport the woman talked non-stop. The young man stayed focussed and responsive the whole time, though having little opportunity to speak. He even gave this woman a brilliant suggestion as she exited the van on how she could implement a strategy to continue to pursue her passion from where she was currently positioned, in “retirement.” He even traded contact information so he could her implement what he suggested. His actions and attitude revealed the quality of his character. His words, attitude and actions were all in alignment. After she had exited the van I complimented him on it.

What caught my attention was the woman’s stories of her younger years. She talked about the negative impact of cigarette smoke on her health and its damage on her body. When the topic turned to the investment strategies she developed and how her career and financial fortunes grew, I was caught off guard when she explained how much money she made by investing in cigarette companies over multiple decades. It did not seem to bother her she was supporting the very industry she had abhorred when she was younger.

This caught my attention because Joel Bauer spoke at his Master Class Training about the importance off integrity and congruency. We are affected mentally, emotionally, physiologically, financially and spiritually when we are not in alignment between what we say and what we do.

I suspect the majority of people have no idea about the impact of this universal principle. They drift through life with no conscious awareness of the outcomes they are creating in their lives.

The SEE Method of Living is designed to SHIFT your mindset, ELEVATE your energetic awareness and ENHANCE the quality of your life. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to learn the universal principles revealed in THE SEE Method of Living and how they impact your outcomes.

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