I am writing these next few articles early, as I will be away attending a conference. As I was thinking about what to write about, the screen saver on my computer kicked in. It is set to access all the picture files on my computer hard drive randomly. I normally pay very little attention to what is displayed because I have usually walked away by the time it kicks in and the computer has gone to sleep when I get back.
In fact today, I let the screen saver kick in several times so I could watch the kaleidoscope of pictures tell an incredible and interesting story. I watched with fascination and much emotion as the pictures of personal extended family, church family, and events precious moments moved across the screen. I was surprised at the number of people who were part of my life over the last 20 years who are no longer with us except in memories. I thought about these individuals and the impact of their lives. I saw pictures of young children who are now grown up with children of their own and reflected upon the process of their lives. I considered the importance of the words of a song which flashed through my mind, “May all who come behind me find me faithful.” We really are accountable for the type of legacy we leave behind, in how others will remember us.
The pictures which come up on my computer are always different, but the first picture is always the same. This picture is of a book cover that was created for a book I intended to write, which remains unwritten. In this moment of time I came to the realization of how appropriate it is this picture initiates the process of random pictures which follows. It is a reminder of the importance of not procrastinating on things which ought to be done in the process of influencing, encouraging and empowering those around us. We have choices we must make and our response to those choices will impact relationships and create future outcomes not just for ourselves, but for others.
While there is a book to be written to connect with the book cover, there is another, the contents of, perhaps set the foundation for what is yet to come. The first book is close to being finished and sent to the printer. Once formatting and set up are completed and the final pieces of the covers have been decided upon it will be ready.
The impact of saying YES to the relationship with Jesus cannot be under estimated in terms of your influence on others. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” It may not be through watching a computer screen saver, But it could perhaps be through flipping through some old photo albums you get your chance to reflect back and remember who and how others influenced you and who and how you had the privilege of influencing them through saying YES to the relationship.