My recent surgery journey has provided the opportunity to gain some insights into the world of universal energy in its different aspects. For many years my self-imposed limitations allowed me to only view energy in terms of my specific, Biblical background, and the term prayer. Yes, I believe in the power of prayer, I believe in our Biblical authority, through God’s Son, to be part of solutions through a process of prayer.
I also understand the importance of praying for one another. There have been times in the last week when I was not in a place where I could even pray for myself, or for anyone else. This was not a condition I wish to experience in the future. At the same time I was aware of a great host of prayers that uplifted and carried me through that time. For this I am thankful and grateful. We really do need each other.
In this portion of my life I also understand the power of universal energy that is found in the transmitting of love, blessings, good thoughts and so much more, even as this is expressed by others apart from a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. My ability to SEE beyond the obvious has enabled me to realize that universal energy is all connected to the universal Source of all, God and therefore the power and benefit that we each bring to our world on behalf of others, is to be acknowledged and appreciated with thanksgiving and gratitude.
I SEE this as an incredible bridge of connection that we may use to be able to draw everyone into a personal relationship with the One who reveals Himself through the Bible. It is a practical and up-to-date mechanism which unites us as one family for the betterment of all. There is quantum connection, which when identified and implemented in our life can make a difference for good not only in our life, but in our world. You must connect to Source for maximized energetic release!