I came to the realization yesterday that there is basically only one month left in this year. Between naps, as I seek to give my body a chance to recover from the trauma of the events earlier in the week, I have been reading more of Zig and Tom Ziglar’s book, titled Born To Win. In this book they write about the idea that commitment and perseverance are powered by desire. They write, “you will need commitment to produce the focus and consistency to keep your eye on the target. Then you need perseverance to make it over the rough spots and setbacks you will certainly experience along your journey to success.”
Your desire, what you really want, your “why” for what you will follow through and accomplish, powers your commitment and perseverance. Zig Ziglar writes, “before you can win you must plan to win and prepare to win. Then – and only then – can you expect to win.” Your desire must move you to not only take action, but prepare and stick with the process, not quitting or giving up.
There was one specific thought that caught my attention. Zig wrote, “When you really want something, when you desire it and you are excited about it, you look forward to planning and preparing because you get to do it. The key words here are ‘get to do’! If you have the kind of desire I’ve shared with you . . ., planning becomes something you get to do, rather than something you have to do.” Do you have something you “get to do” in your life?
For the last decade or so, I have selected a specific theme to focus on, in terms of the congregation I pastor, and then distill that down to a just a few words or a phrase. When I thought about the fact there is only a month left in the year, it was time to begin to plan and prepare for what that theme might be. You will likely hear more about what I have begun considering for 2019 in the near future. I am thankful and grateful for the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment to a specific direction once I turned on my intention to start the process.
I would encourage you to seek to discover what it is you really desire to see manifest in your life and begin to plan and prepare for it to become a reality. Allow your faith to come alongside and enhance your commitment to see it happen. Then live in and with a sense of expectation.