My schedule has been busy with long days as I have attempted to work through another bout with bladder stones this past week. I have been informed about the multitude of options and had cleared them up naturally in the past. What I did not know was the complicity of beets to the process of creating them. This time of year fresh beets are inexpensive to purchase and I really enjoy eating them. After including them every day for a week in one of my meals, I came to realize such action for me came with a consequence.
So, last night I decided I was taking an evening to what a movie. My wife has been focussed on decorating the house for Christmas the last number of days, so my daughter picked a Christmas movie off the internet for us to watch. I don’t even know the name of it.
The lesson expressed in this movie was about the importance of relationships and the need to make the effort to establish them. Relationships do not happen by accident, they are developed when individuals make a decision to connect with one another. What was true in this happily ever after movie Christmas movie, is in fact true in real life. Things may not always happen as we hope them will, nor will they always go smoothly, but if we do not have a desire and motivation to make them happen, they never will. We are about to launch into the month of December. Do not get so caught up in your daily “to do” list of activity that you fail to enjoy the Christmas season. Seek to build relationships rather than dread them. Do not forget to say YES to the relationship with Jesus. Also, do not crowd Him out of your life.
Giving my body time to rest and heal, might be something to consider if there is an outcome I am seeking to achieve. Beyond the things that must be done, there is an ever increasing list of new and creative things I want to do in the process of helping others be and do what they were created for.
The lesson in the movie was something I needed to be reminded of. How about you? Are there things you should slow down enough to remember? Becky Kelley sings a powerful song, calling us to remember the importance of the season we are entering into titled, “Where’s the Line to See Jesus.” This video has had almost five million hits on You Tube in the last seven years. You might want to check it our at
I am heading back to put my feet up, sit in the light of the two Christmas trees in our family room and count my blessings.