This is the end before the new beginning. The year 2016 is closing and tomorrow the year 2017 has its beginning. It is a little odd that there is so much attention given to the tick of a clock that translates into a change of a day once a year. What if we placed as much attention on the tick of a clock each day of the year? How would our life change if we considered the concept of each day bringing the opportunity to start new and fresh? Consider the possibility of each today providing the chance to create a new page in your terrific life. Place an emphasis on the expectation that something wonderful will happen today and then look for it to appear. Watch for the positive, “golden” moments to appear to bless and benefit your life.
When something happens that does not necessarily appear to be good, remember the story of the Chinese man many years ago who was able to catch a wild horse. All his friends congratulated him on his good success. His response was “Maybe it is good, maybe it isn’t.” A little while later his son fell off the horse and his friends said, “This is bad.” His response was, “Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.” The next day the army came to his village and conscripted all the young men and took them away. The Chinese man’s son was not taken because he could not walk with the broken leg. His friend’s said, “This was good.” His response was, “Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.” And so the story goes on. Understanding and implementing the principle expressed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” brings foundational stability to life whatever may happen.
You have a choice every day whether you will drag the stress and problems of yesterday into your today, or whether you will lay them aside and face the challenges of a new day with optimism and faith that things will come together and work out. Allowing the baggage of the past to control your present will not help you now or in the future. Sow the seeds today that will bring a harvest in the future you really desire. That is my hope and dream for you as you start a new day.