When we hang our bird feeders on the back deck and put bird seed in them, it seems like there is an almost instantaneous transformation that takes place. These bird feeders morph into squirrel restaurants instantly. This summer seems to have been an really good year for the multiplication of the squirrel population in our area. Like metal drawn to a magnet there is a line up of these four footed creatures waiting for their free meal, multiple times a day. Our border collie is definitely losing nap time watching in a futile attempt to chase them away through the patio doors.
In fact, there is a path worn in the grass in the back yard between our deck and the nearest tree as they come and go on a regular basis. Attempts to block the squirrels have been unsuccessful to date as every option has been thwarted so far. I know there are means to defeat these critters, but it likely would involve moving the feeders off the deck. In the winter the snow piles into the yard just off the deck and we are just not that committed to fighting the elements of the weather to fill the feeders. Also my wife and daughter like to be able to look out the patio doors and watch the birds, at least when the squirrels are not there.
In this moment of time, it would seem the squirrels are like the persistent widow in Jesus’ story who continued to go after the unjust judge until she received her reward. The squirrels do not see a bird feeder, they see a squirrel feeder and it is their right to their reward for showing up so diligently.
Perhaps there are times if we shifted our perception we might find we were able to accomplish that which we thought was out of our reach, or maybe even impossible. Certainly it something worth considering, right?