May 3, 2019

Look Back to Your Advantage, Empowering the Best You Possible!

Those who are familiar with success techniques know the value of focussing on where you want to be. Settings goals and lining out steps to achieve them is important. I began a task, in the last couple of days, of dealing with twenty-eight cases of books for my wife’s business. Each book needed an action taken with it before it was shelved. The goal is to get these 800 plus books out of our front entryway, unboxed and to their destination. Each box is beyond my current weight lifting restrictions so they need to be moved in smaller qualities.

A few hours into the process, I looked at the boxes in the hall still waiting to be moved and thought, “I’ve been working hard at this and the mountain doesn’t look like it has gone down at all.” In this instant I was looking at what still had to be done to achieve my goal. It was then that I thought to consider what have I got done and realized I had actually made progress on my task.

The look back to see, where I had come from to where I was in that moment was an encouragement. Actually seeing the progress that had been made was important to my willingness to continue to move forward. While staying focussed on what has been is never beneficial to moving forward, the glance back can make a powerful difference towards the achievement of your goal.

Encouragement is a much more powerful incentive to achievement than discouragement. This applies to every area of your life. Be an encourager to others and to yourself. Be your own cheerleader, especially when there is no one else doing it. This is true in the spiritual realm as well in ever other area of life. Even when it seems like you are alone, remember there are a great cloud of witnesses in the heavenly realm cheering you on (Hebrews 12:1).

Use the look back to your advantage, empowering the best you possible!

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