February 19, 2019

Realize Your Blessings! Invest in a Stroll Down Memory Lane

Every spring, as soon as the winter weather begins to retreat you will see families in our community begin to get out and begin to invest time walking together. They may still need to bundle up with heavy coats, but there is a sense that things are changing and the warmth in the sun is a promise of better things coming their way.

During the years we were home educating our children we came to realize that the short daylight of winter and the challenges of weather often brought a reduction in enthusiasm and commitment to the goals and processes which we were engaged in. As a consequence, at some point in February we often simply took a break from the regular routine and set aside some time for personal interests and passions to be pursued. This allowed us to take our focus off the growing negativism around us and be able to realize the blessings we not only had experienced in the past, but were part of our present moments.

Taking the time to look for and acknowledge your blessings and express your thankfulness and appreciation for what God has done in your life does have benefits. James 1:17 reminds us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Beyond taking a stroll in the outdoors, why not also take a stroll down memory lane and allow such a time to Shift your mindset, Elevate your Energetic awareness and enhance the quality of your life. The ability to SEE and perceive your life from a longer and bigger perspective will often reignite your passion and imagination to allow you to more forward towards your dreams and goals more effectively.

Something to consider as we work our way through the last half of this winter month, at least for those in the northern hemisphere. I challenge you to realize your blessings! Invest in a stroll down memory lane.

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