July 14, 2016

Our subconscious mind runs on auto pilot and is designed to protect us and maintain our survival physically. Many of the programs being using are based upon our thoughts, beliefs, declarations and intentions we have accepted into our life and continue to hold as true. What is interesting to consider is how well entrenched these programs and beliefs are, many of which go back to our early childhood or to traumatic events of the past.

The subconscious mind operates like a defence mechanism and is often based on fear and lack of trust which seeks to limit pain and discomfort. I picture it like a walled fortress with the gates all shut, so nothing gets in, but at the same time nothing gets out. There is a stagnation which takes place over time and real life and vitality gradually diminishes and gets squeezed out.

In such a situation there is a need for change to reduce the limiting beliefs and negative programming so love and freedom become possible for growth and advancement in life.

On four different occasions in the Gospel of Matthew Jesus asks the question, “What do you think?” I would ask you to repeat these words four times emphasizing a different word each time you say it. When you do this you get a different perspective on what is being asked in this question. So, ask the question again four times emphasizing a different word, only this time reflect upon what the answer might be if it was your subconscious mind, rather than your conscious mind giving the answer.

Look for responses which might give hints about your auto responses related to your limiting beliefs and programs which are holding you back from living life to its full potential. Awareness of these areas where you are locked in to a fortress is the first step towards your freedom. Determining what you really want instead of what you have and developing a burning desire for a different outcome is the next step. Then develop a strategy to get you where you want to be.

What do you think? As Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you are right. It is thought that makes it so.”

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