May 4, 2019

Fibonacci, the Energetic Power of Spoken Words Into Our Reality!

Yesterday as was looking for a specific graphic for the Power Point presentation for Sunday’s sermon. In so doing I came across some interesting photos. I was looking for a specific version of a fibonacci spiral that would work for my slide. I was fascinated by the one attached to this article, but it was not one that would work for what I was looking for.

Fibonacci is in fact a mathematical formula and shape that is centuries old and is found in the centre of a sunflower, the shape of a sea shell or the shell of a slug. This pattern is also found in the universe above. Why is this important? For me, it reveals the craftsmanship of intelligent design. There is a Creator and builder behind all things.

Should we choose to believe such a possibility, we can then formulate the connection of a master plan that includes the human race on a planet circling a sun in a galaxy among untold numbers of the same. The energetic power behind words makes all things possible. “God said, Let there be … and there was …” (Genesis 1:3).

When the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary about the birth of a child who would be identified as the Son of the Most High (Luke 2:32), Mary asked, “How will this be?” (Verse 34). When given the answer, Mary’s response was, “May it be to me as you have said” (verse 38). We read in John 1:1-4; 14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. {2} He was with God in the beginning. {3} Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. {4} In him was life, and that life was the light of men. . . . {14} The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

You are made in the image of God and your words have more power than you realize. Use your words wisely, because the law of sowing and reaping applies to every area, including what you say, as well as what you do. James speaks about the power of the tongue and the need to control it just as a bridle controls a horse. An untamed tongue can be as dangerous as a spark that ignites a blazing wildfire. There is mathematical power continuously being expressed in our world and in our universe.

I believe it is important for those who have said YES to the relationship with God to begin to discover the resources and power they have and to be wise stewards of their use for love, blessings and reconciliation in our world.

May 3, 2019

Look Back to Your Advantage, Empowering the Best You Possible!

Those who are familiar with success techniques know the value of focussing on where you want to be. Settings goals and lining out steps to achieve them is important. I began a task, in the last couple of days, of dealing with twenty-eight cases of books for my wife’s business. Each book needed an action taken with it before it was shelved. The goal is to get these 800 plus books out of our front entryway, unboxed and to their destination. Each box is beyond my current weight lifting restrictions so they need to be moved in smaller qualities.

A few hours into the process, I looked at the boxes in the hall still waiting to be moved and thought, “I’ve been working hard at this and the mountain doesn’t look like it has gone down at all.” In this instant I was looking at what still had to be done to achieve my goal. It was then that I thought to consider what have I got done and realized I had actually made progress on my task.

The look back to see, where I had come from to where I was in that moment was an encouragement. Actually seeing the progress that had been made was important to my willingness to continue to move forward. While staying focussed on what has been is never beneficial to moving forward, the glance back can make a powerful difference towards the achievement of your goal.

Encouragement is a much more powerful incentive to achievement than discouragement. This applies to every area of your life. Be an encourager to others and to yourself. Be your own cheerleader, especially when there is no one else doing it. This is true in the spiritual realm as well in ever other area of life. Even when it seems like you are alone, remember there are a great cloud of witnesses in the heavenly realm cheering you on (Hebrews 12:1).

Use the look back to your advantage, empowering the best you possible!

May 2, 2019

When something perceived to be major intersects with your life, it is easy to lose balance and allow it to overwhelm you in that moment. What is important is the recovery of a balanced perspective. For me, besides using the I Ching Artworks instruments, balance came back after prayer with the realization that nothing had changed between the time I got up on Tuesday morning and when I got up on Wednesday morning. This is important to realize when an unknown factor is present in your future.

I do not even need to shift and change my energetic focus, because the outcome I am looking for can still be improved simply by continuing to do what I have been doing all along. Faith does not need to run away and hide, it simply needs to continue to be expressed in relation to the outcome being looked for.

Living in a pity party will not boost my or anyone else’s immune system, so there is no positive reason to stay there. It will not help our outcome. Getting off the mat and continuing to move forward in fulfilment of our life purpose and destiny is the best option. It always was and continues to be.

We are far better off to believe all things will work for our good (Romans 8:28), even when we don’t know how. There is no value in the “what if” exercise as it relates to the past. Our thoughts, beliefs, words and intentions for the future will impact our actions, determining our outcomes. Make them positive and direct them to the fulfilment of your goals and dreams. Look for the good (gold) in those things which come into your life.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.” Determine your future based on wise choices today!

May 1, 2019

Bounce up One More Time Than You Were Knocked Down!

As I begin this article I am sitting in the hospital waiting room to see the specialist. This past week has been a challenging journey into what Biblical faith actually is. I have reviewed the account of Peter as he walked on water and then didn’t and as he proclaimed his allegiance to Jesus and then denied he knew Him. I have looked at the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus clothing and was healed, and much more. My surgery date has been scheduled within a couple of weeks. It is my desire to find a non-surgical solution, but we are dealing with more than one health challenge. In the drive to the hospital I began to think about the story of the preacher who chose to stay with the church building when the flood waters started to rise. The preacher refused to leave when a rescue boat came for him and later when a helicopter tried to rescue him. He was surprised to find himself at the pearly gates when the flood waters swept him away. Inquiring as to why God did not save him, the reply was, I a sent a boat and a helicopter for you and you refused my help.

I am wondering if surgery is in fact my rescue boat or helicopter. Determining where faith fits in, is my challenge of the moment. This article will conclude after I have seen the specialist.

You don’t know what you don’t know. Even when you think you do, this is not always true. Once in the consultation we faced new information which brought the need for a different perspective on the situation.

When all was said and done it became very apparent this was in fact my rescue boat or helicopter. The options to protect my kidney were limited and a decision had to be made quickly. I am suspicious that some of the facts were deliberately hidden until now and this was a planned approach by the doctors to determine the outcome they wanted.

My best choice under the circumstances was to stay with the scheduled surgery. The kidney issue can be dealt with at the same time eliminating extra surgeries.

The challenge of faith in my life’s journey has not disappeared, but it has shifted to a post surgery recovery outcome. God’s Word remains true and the power of faith is unchanged. The ability of the human body to restore and renew continues to be an universal principle of life. In this moment of time, I must simply bounce up off the emotional mat and continue to move forward in faith. As I keep reminding myself, I must focus on my purpose and destiny with passion. This does not just apply in my life, but it is really an important message for us all. Bounce up one more time than you were knocked down!