Christmas Day is just around the corner. It is less than a year away! I’m excited, how about you?
I know there are some individuals who may not be, based on their response in recent days. Our intentions matter because they will impact our actions and those actions will create reality. I have silently listened and read the rants of those people who feel they need to knock the concept of Christmas. They write and speak about it being a “Christian” application of a pagan celebration. December 25th is not the actual day of Jesus’ birth. It is just a commercialized event to boost retailers sales before the year ends, etc.
So, it is not the right day, would it matter to those who criticize it if it were the right day? I am thinking about having an “Incarnation Day” celebration in the spring of 2019 to celebrate the birth of Jesus, because that is a more realistic time frame for the actual event. But guess what, you will likely find a pagan celebration on that day as well. Simply because over the history of the world someone celebrated something every day, before Christ was born. This is true of the day you were born on as well. So with that line of thinking, no one should ever acknowledge their birthday.
Joy is a character and emotion that God gave to humanity. There will always be those who seek to find it in inappropriate ways, but that does not negate the fact that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Celebration of life is part of who we are and those who seek to deny it, and seek to diminish it in others, really only reveal the true intentions of their own hearts.
Early in my ministry I met a young couple who responded to the invitation to invite Jesus into their life with the words, “I like my life and I do not want to give up the things I enjoy.” Their perception of what God had to offer them had been infected with the negative expressions of what such a life was really all about. They did not want to give up the celebrations and happiness they believed they had the right to enjoy. The truth is God is not a party destoyer.
Just because there are people who choose to turn an event into a sales pitch does not mean that is what the event was, or is, actually about. Jesus took a whip into the temple to drive out the money changers who had turned that which was spiritual event into a business opportunity. He did not eliminate the event, because some people abused and neglected its true purpose.
As we start the journey towards our next Christmas day remember to keep the true meaning of this event alive and active in your hearts and lives every day. Do not let the intentions of the negative nay-sayers impact your life. Move forward in Faith with God’s Hope, Joy, Peace and Love radiating from your heart and life.