October 1, 2018

Over the last couple of weeks our family has been forced to deal with a trend in our world. I am not sure whether it is really good or bad. It started with my cell phone refusing to read any finger touch to half of its surface. We did not want to lose the benefit of our phone plan so we made the decision to look for a new phone and finally found a good buy on one. Once the phone had been ordered, my old phone decided to start working again. So I was really only without a cell phone for a few hours, but I felt a loss without it, even though I do not use it all that much. The new phone arrived really quickly and I really like it, so the old one is now relegated to limited wi-fi use.

This weekend my wife’s phone, which she uses a lot, simply refused to charge or turn on. Since she really likes her phone and it still has significant value, more than double as used what my new phone cost, we decided to see if we can get her’s repaired. That will take several days before we hear back and make a decision on its future. Being that she cannot be without a cell phone we moved her sim card over to an old Blackberry Passport that still works so she is at least operational.

I had no idea just how dependant we had become on this technology in our daily lives. It got me to asking what other things have we become dependant upon without even realizing it has happened? Are we as committed to God’s Word as we are to various technological gadgets in our lives? Do we implement the wisdom and power God has given us as often as we implement the concepts and ideas coming from the world around us?

What do we depend upon when challenges come into our life? Where do we default to when circumstances do not go as we planned in our life? These are questions we perhaps need to stop and ask ourselves from time to time to make sure our priorities are in the right place. This might just be a good time to do just that.