October 26, 2018

In recent days I have been watching the unfolding of the challenge some individuals are facing as to a decision whether to live in the fog of cautious safety with fear, or risk choosing to step out in a leap of faith and see their life change in a dramatic way.

If you had the opportunity to take $5000.00 Canadian and see it potentially turn into more than 2 million dollars in five years, would you do it? There is always the possibility you could lose your $5,000.00, but the risk is small. There is also the possibility you could cash out after only nine months for $27,000.00 if you wanted to. Would you proceed? The company offering this opportunity is also currently the fastest growing company in the world.

Perhaps many of you are thinking this is too good to be true, so I will take a pass on this and that is your choice. There were however some people who thought it was worth a chance to get involved in Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and a variety of other companies in their early stages of development and those that did discovered the benefits of their early action and faith. I randomly opened Bryan Dodges book, THE Good Life Rules, and my eyes immediately fell upon these words, “Making a decision to action within forty-eight hours can certainly be nerve-wracking, especially when you aren’t sure of what the final outcome will be. And the first few times you do it, you’re going to be nervous and tentative because it’s such a new skill. But one important thing to remember is that all the decisions you make when you commit to the forty-eight hour rule aren’t going to be negative ones.”

Procrastination is not your friend. Neither is fear. My advice to one person in such a situation was, don’t focus on the “How” of this situation, focus on “Why,” which will bring about the end result you are looking for.

If anyone is really interested and willing to move forward on the above offer, message me for details. The offer potentially closes October 31, 2018. There are options at much smaller investments for those who cannot come up with the $5,000.00. If you have read this article, then don’t say I didn’t tell you about the opportunity, if you decide not to proceed.

October 25, 2018

We have been involved in a family business (JOY Center of Learning) which is celebrating its 25th anniversary of existence. It started out even longer ago as a service and ministry to families who were educating their children at home. Today we mainly sell specific curriculum and provide consulting to some families who need help.

I attended a training seminar last weekend sponsored by I Ching Artworks Systems. Mary Miller, who had been the spokesperson for this group recently passed away. Mary had been a very strong advocate for parents to teach their children at home. I Ching Artworks Systems continues to support the concept of teaching your children at home. One of the comments that caught my attention this past weekend related to the research which is being done on the damage to children’s health and self-esteem in the education system. What is troublesome to me is that children are entering the system earlier and earlier (pre-school and nursery school) as mothers return to work quickly to provide finances for the family.

This particular research centred around the impact that is happening to children as they have less and less contact with the physical earth. They spend much of their day in buildings and outdoor time is often on asphalt. An important aspect of who we are as unique human individuals tends to fall asleep as contact is energetically lost with the earth.

In fact, there is loss that is not just in the connection to the land, but also there is loss to children as they are isolated from the natural environment of this planet. The hours children spend in the house, in the school, on the mode of transportation to and from school, consumes most of their time and this effects many aspects of their learning process. Home educations provides the opportunity, but does not necessarily guarantee, the ability to change these factors. Parents must make conscious choices to ensure the connection to the physical earth and its environment takes place.

These connections do have an impact upon our spiritual wakefulness and well being as well, since it is tied to how we perceive and understand who we are and our relationship to the world in which we live. You may not feel you are currently in a place to change the process of how your children are educated, but you can begin to take action to bring change to their “free time.” Do your research and make the changes for the benefit of your children.

October 24, 2018

Bill Gates spoke of three important keys to being successful in life. He identified them as:

1. Vision. “All successful people have vision. They have the ability to ‘see’ clearly what they want before it exists.” Your ability to look beyond the obvious and through faith be able to perceive what is not on your visible radar screen is incredibly important. Napoleon Hill said, “Define your dream and get a burning desire for its achievement. Part of the process of seeing clearly is to be able to gain a level of specificity in your vision. The steps of The SEE Method of Living provide a foundation for this to develop in your life.

2. Being in the right place and the right time: Being able to recognize that you are in the right place and the right time is now is a very powerful component to your success in life, whatever that means and looks like to you. I recommend using the I Ching Artworks instruments to clean out the things which are holding you back, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from being the best version of you possible. As your system quiets down, the veil which is hindering you is removed and you can SEE the world in a whole new way. Recognizing God’s timing in your life is a key to your success.

3. Take massive and immediate action: You likely have had, and will yet have, many great ideas and opportunities that would massively benefit your life and help you on the way to the fulfilment of your purpose and destiny. The question is, what is the likelihood that you will take both massive and immediate action to make it happen? The reality is most people won’t, unless they begin to wake up and see the possibilities they are losing out on.

The SEE Method of Living calls you to take action and move forward in your life. Do not let your life slip away having missed out on the challenges and blessings of being who you were created to be. Do not leave behind a life filled with regrets. Leave a legacy of powerful, positive lasting results for those who come behind you to follow.

October 23, 2018

The denomination in which I pastor launched a research project yesterday titled, “Flourishing in Ministry Study.” There were a significant number of questions to be answered to complete the survey and receive your personalized report. The four sub-dimensions for classification were resilience, thriving, authenticity and happiness. My report stated, “Your wellbeing profile indicates your strongest dimension of wellbeing is Thriving.”

It is interesting that one of the Source Energy Medicine water bottles I drink every day is focussed on the concept of thriving. My natural tendency, which at one time I was constantly fighting against was that of drifting. While I am not sure that tendency has been completely eliminated, over the last eight plus years, the training I have been privy to has allowed me to learn how to move to a place where my focus is more on thriving than on simply existing and drifting through life. I have moved to a greater understanding of who I am in Christ and what my mission and destiny is really about. I have a desire to make sure I have fulfilled those things before existing this plane of existence. I no longer need to battle the urge to drift to the same degree.

I have been able to SEE things more clearly. My realization of the importance of SHIFTING our mindset to achieve transformational freedom and expression has been dramatically enlarged. Gaining an understanding as to the benefits of ELEVATING our energetic awareness so we can fully deploy our inherent potential has been extremely valuable. Also coming to the realization that ENHANCING the quality of our life through living our purpose and fulfilling our destiny is necessary if we want to leave a lasting, positive legacy is necessary.

This will only happen when our thoughts, beliefs, words and intentions will support our actions to bring about the result of thriving.

For me, access to information and people connected with the Global Information Network, I Ching Artwork Systems and Joel Bauer’s Mentoring and Training programs have played an important part in my progress. I want to also give credit to the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing and allowing me to SEE the Biblical foundation and connection in this journey in my life.

I can identify with the Apostle Paul who wrote in Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. {13} Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, {14} I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”

Make a choice to move forward in your life. Take the steps necessary to thrive and SEE the difference it will make in your outcomes.

October 22, 2018

I am thankful for the opportunity and health to have been able to drive to and attend the I Ching Systems Training Seminar in Toronto this weekend. What a blessing to be able to reconnect with friends and meet new people. Yes I missed seeing Mary Miller, but I am excited about the contribution of those who have stepped up and are carrying on after her death. I was blessed to be part of the energy that was present in that space.

We live in a world where there is the constant ending and beginning of life on this plain of existence. Such happenings bring significant change into the lives of those who are close to what is taking place.

Change can be challenging for many people and involves time to bring some sense of healing and restoration of life. I witnessed this weekend the benefits of what the I Ching instruments and processes can do, if people are willing to engage in a process to not only embrace change, but allow balance and healing to come into their lives.

This weekend provided me a wonderful opportunity to take action on my desire to integrate the “pursuit of practical, Biblical holiness, with the power of the Holy Spirit, in the energy of the new era”. This is actually a portion of the vision statement of the congregation I minister through. I was privy to some very powerful insights into this process through situations, which I will call opportunities, arising over the last two days.

I also received new insights as to the power and value of The SEE Method of Living and what it means to perceive and look beyond the obvious at what is really taking place in our personal world.

When you are willing to live your purpose and fulfill your destiny, life will involve challenges from time to time, but it will also include incredible experiences that bring joy and blessings your way. Take the risk of faith and move forward by saying YES to the relationship with God, through His Son, and committing to His plan for who you can become by His grace and guidance.