Yesterday I had a few minutes to spare and my computer was already set up to create a video. I had planned out how I was going to proceed and I was holding a specific prop I was going to use for the video. Before I began recording I held up the prop to see what it would look like on screen. It did not show up. That seemed strange, so I changed the background and held up the prop again. It still did not show up. Time was slipping away for this opportunity to record the video as I stood prop in hand trying to figure out what was going on. Have you ever had one of those brain fog moments?
As I am staring at my prop, the light bulb finally turned on as to what was happening. I was working with virtual studio software and my prop was green in colour. The camera is not supposed to recognize green. By the time I stopped laughing, it was too late to move ahead with what I was going to do. No big deal it will happen later. Lesson learned.
How often do we beat ourselves up when something happens and things do not go as we planned because of something that we were responsible for? Accept responsibility, but do not diminish who you are. You deserve better than to beat yourself up over it. Ask yourself, “How important will this event be ten years from now?” What you think, believe, say and intend about yourself matters because it will impact your ability and actions in the future. If you would never say demeaning things to someone else, do not do it to yourself either.
Putting yourself, your abilities, your character into a negative light is not the way to become the best version of you possible. See yourself as God sees you and move forward to be and do better from what you just learned. You are worth it!