August 20, 2018

Saturday, September 8, we will be hosting an I Ching Systems open house in Shelburne, ON from 2 to 4 p.m. where you can come and use the instruments to determine the benefit of their use in your life without purchasing anything.

I believe the expression of practical holiness for today means when we discover something which may possibly be beneficial to our lives we have a responsibility to share the news and let people decide for themselves. That is what these open houses allow you to do.

Each person is responsible for what they do with their life. You are not accountable for someone else’s decision, but you are accountable for being a “watchman” and informing them of options they would not know about, unless they were told.

Remember to care, but not that much. Do not take their decisions as personal rejection of you. Jesus chose to fulfill His destiny, despite the fact He was abandoned, rejected and crucified on the Cross of Calvary. This is life transformational news for those who accept Him and what He offers.

Something to think about.

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