This is the start of a new month. The grass is turning green and spring flowers are now beginning to declare that winter is over. Not being a winter type of person, this is good news for me. We actually had one day where the temperature was warm enough where you could open the windows for a few hours without the fireplaces or furnace turning on. YEAH!
What excites you and brings you joy? What brings a spring to your step? Have you stopped to consider what your passion is in life? What would you do if money was not a concern and you could simply do what you want with your time? I hope you would realize doing nothing, or vegetating is not a long term option. Life is about living life to the full. Finding what you were destined and created to do is an important and valuable part of life. Many people live for the moment they can retire from their job. What they often do not realize is, if they have not been living their passion all along, they will find it difficult to start that far in to their existence.
Those who are living their passion do not give retirement a thought, not just because they cannot afford to, but because they love what they are doing. Should something else come along they do not retire, they “re-tire” and are ready to roll along in the next phase of their life.
I remember the encounter I had one day in a store. There was a group of older women blocking the aisle talking. The reason I say “older” is because I was younger when this happened than I am now. One of the women was sitting on her walker. I heard her say, “I never had a sick day until after I quit work when I turned 80. Now, I’m sick all the time.” I do not think her health issues came about because she turned 80. It is more likely she stopped living when she stopped working. What we think impacts how we feel in more ways than one.
You may not be able to do everything you did when you were younger, but you can still find ways to live your passion, if you are willing. What will it be? As Ed Foreman says, Life is for laughing, loving and living.” What do you benefit from whining and worrying and sitting around complaining?
Choose to live each day to the full with passion and joy. This is the day the Lord has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it.