Everywhere you turn you see people hitched to their cell phone, talking, texting, surfing, or just playing games. Sit and observe people in a mall for a few minutes. Notice what happens when the plane lands. For many people the cell phone is an addiction, or a distraction, or even both. Notice how many people are sitting in a restaurant and focussed on their phone, rather than on the people sitting with them at the table. Governments have been forced to create distracted driving laws and make it illegal to text and drive, because people, for whatever reason do not have the ability to use common sense in regards to the use of their phones.
The internet has untold articles on cell phone manners and etiquette, but observation would suggest there are significant numbers of people who either don’t care about such things, or they have become victims of the radiation effects from the instruments they are addicted to. When someone asks me why did it take you so long to respond to my text message. My response is I am not tied to my phone. When I arrive home I put it down and may not pick it up until the next time I head out the door to go somewhere. If you need to get in touch with me call the land line, not the cell phone. My cell phone is not for your convenience, it is for mine when I am travelling. I am not interested in text messages, so don’t bother sending them to me. They are a distraction from what and who I am focussing on in the moment.
What does this have to do with anything of real importance? A lot actually. Beyond the fact a cell phone has great value in certain situations, it would be good to be aware of how this product has been marketed and the persuasion tactics used to change consumer attitudes in relation to it. Isn’t it interesting there is a group passion and desire for something where the health risks continue to be downplayed so people will continue to crave more of it. There seems to be a smoky aura about this situation, if you get my drift.
If everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies, it might be worthwhile to ask what is really going on? Because what we think, what we believe, what we say and the intentions of our heart, do matter. They impact our actions which create our outcomes. This is true in every area of our life, including the spiritual realm. Choose to be at cause in your life, rather than at effect. Be awake, alert and alive to what is happening around you. Seek to discern the source of what is continuously bombarding your heart, mind and senses every day.
Do not settle for just getting by, become the extraordinary person you were created to be. Persevere, demonstrate a quality of excellence. Do not let the world squeeze you into it’s mould (Romans 12:2). Choose to say YES to the relationship with Jesus and be the best version of you possible.