May 28, 2017

Have you ever found yourself experiencing a situation where when you do something (A), followed by something else (B), you achieve a result (C)? So every time you do A+B=C. In the process of following this formula you achieve your desire and goal. Then for some reason, or maybe because of a variety of distractions, you find yourself only doing A or B, or A+D, or B+F and eventually you come to the realization that C is no longer a part of your life anymore. The achievement which meant so to you is no longer there.

What happened to the passion of the process? Did it become mundane and lose its attraction? Did you allow distractions cause you to lose focus and forget its value and importance to you? We are all vulnerable to this hazard in life if we are not careful.

It would be good to realize relationships are often victim to this challenge. I heard a story which has stuck in my mind for many decades. It is about a young couple who began to date in their late teens. In those days, cars, like trucks still today, had a bench style front seat. As the relationship between this couple grew you would often see them sitting close to each other as they drove along. Quite often, the fellow would have his arm around the shoulder of the young lady beside him. Even after the were married this was a common visual sighting. But as the years passed, things happened and there came a day when observers witnessed they were sitting about as far apart in the car as they could get.

One day, in an attitude tinged with a touch of anger, resentment, and bitterness, the wife turned to her husband in frustration and asked, “What happened to us? We used to be so close. There was a day when we sat close to each other as we drove and you used to put your arm around me. You don’t do that anymore.” There was silence for a moment, and then the husband replied, “I wasn’t the one who moved.”

If your spiritual life is not what it once was. Realize God is not the one who moved. Deuteronomy 31:8 declares, ” Yahweh is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.” If A+B=C and you are no longer doing A and B together you cannot expect to achieve C. There is a formula that works and it only works if followed. Relationships must involve two individuals working together to have that which is strong and healthy.

If you do not have that kind of relationship. If you are lacking the freedom which comes with it, then I invite you to say YES to the relationship with Jesus. If you need to rekindle the flame for what once was, begin now and reaffirm your YES to the relationship with Jesus.

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