Today’s article was inspired by something Napoleon Hill wrote about in his book, “Positive Action Plan.” Hill wrote, “Christianity is not a passive religion; it is the active application of your beliefs.” While there are those who have attempted to identify and make Christianity into a religion, this was never God’s plan. It has never been about understanding and following a set of rules and regulations. God’s desire was always about following through and developing the character which builds strong and healthy relationships with others and with Himself.
This will involve acknowledging the need for good choices and then taking action to follow through to achieve the desired results. God’s Word, the Bible is full of guidelines and instructions to help your journey be successful, if you are willing to be teachable and willing to implement the transformational changes possible.
How committed are you to the development of your character to build strong, healthy relationships? This will not happen by accident. You must have a burning desire for its achievement.
Napoleon Hill concluded, “In the final analysis, you will be measured not by the depth of your beliefs, but by the actions you take because of them.”
Begin by saying, YES to the relationship with Jesus and follow it up with the actions to build a strong and healthy relationship.